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La-Mulanian War

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:53 am

Okay...maybe you're new to the RPIng thing...but a few quick tips:

RPing is a mutual activity. This is how a normal, fun RP post series goes:

Attacker one launches attack
Defender Decides if attack is successful or not, or how much.

The Defender, however, realizes sometimes he cannot win, nor have impenetale defenses. Nothing is fool proof.

Take the batomys for example. It's huge and even the best Anti-amromr won't but a dent in it most of the time. Yet, it is slow as Hell, and suffers from "Death Star Syndrome" (You'll see" La-mulanian weapons are simmlair: Powerful, high rate of fire and ammo capacity, but mid-to short range, and an unothodox reload setup.While La-Mluana's ground forces are damn good, her Navy is very basic, and her Airforce might not be as complex as another Country's.Also, do not use this info insatnly. Intel is very hard to gather on enemy units without months of spying/use in the field.

Also, you can't end things without the other's consent. It's simply good manners.

Point is, you can't go around claiming to have superior tech and dfenses and hope they won't fail. Even if you did, Superior Tech=/= gurunteed victory. Look at Vietnam. US Army lost to couple of pissed off farmers.

It's not fun for the other guy with godmodding. Sorry, but it's got to be fun for all parties involved.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Second Press Conference 6 hours later

Post  Dunagee Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:28 am

At 900 hours today Terashum Lorisia MacLeod reappeared to the press and called to the international world once more. "Governments of La-Mulana and Tsavorite I will give you one last chance will you agree to our one demand? Please see the error in your decisions so far and see the light." Then there was a pause as they waited for their responses.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Tsavorite Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:17 pm

Prykonia wrote:Hahah it seems even this forum wants us to lose. Fair enough. There were some cases of deaths and sicknesses, but i passed legislation on the daily updates thing a week ago stating that everyone had received shots for like.. everything. And this isn't real life my friend, cures can exist for more things now because it's merely a fictional world. If I unleashed a virus on Tsavorite tomorrow, I'd expect her to find some way to thwart it, whether fictional or not, bonus if it is unique and comical, and honestly I would be okay with it. Viruses are very cowardly ways to kill people in a war. And cures like the one I mentioned in the post are at least fun. Very Happy

There are forum rules, and you need to follow them, just like the rest of us. And even if it's a fictional world, we still need boundaries that are somewhat realistic, otherwise what's stopping someone from simply going "I have the most powerful weapons on the planet and now I wiped everyone out. HA."

Either way, I don't really feel like arguing about this anymore. It's a stupid thing for me to get upset about and it's not fun for me anymore. I'm withdrawing from the war, and I do not wish to take part in any future conflicts between any countries.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:21 pm

Okay. That's fair. I'm sorry about that, and you are right about the RPing thing. Well everyone has weaknesses in their army right? Now I understand it better so hopefully I don't make other silly errors. Hopefully nobody was too offended by my actions. If Tsavorite wishes to leave, let it be because she wishes to, not because of a petty argument. I never intended for an argument to happen.

Thank you for your patience.

Again, my apologies extend both to the admin of this forum, and the Tsavoritian-La-Mulanian Axis.

However, my troops will not withdraw, although the virus has caused some damage, until a compromise is made. My scientists now are putting finishing touches on a new weapon, which will be completed in 24 hours.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Aurland Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:41 pm

The messaenger burst through the door to the Royal Council's cabinet room. All heads instantly locked on him and starred. One or two may have wished they could kill with their eyes.

"C-Councillors, I apologize. B-But there is breaking news from La-Mulana!"

The faces of the councillors became almost imediately disinternested. The only exception was from Andrew Harding, the councillor of defense. His eyes quickly darted around the room to ensure that none of the other councillors had seen his expression. Had they, he would be out of a job and a life outside of prison. The messenger prepared to speak again, clearing the stammer from his throat.

"Tsavorite h-has withdrawn!"

"Impossible!" The Royal Councillor stood fast enough to nearly knock over his elaborate chair (once again known as the throne). "I've known the Pharaoh for years, there's no chance that she would give up a chance like this to ensure her country's dominance. Ms. Palmer...!"

The councillor of foreign relations stood. Attempting to mimic the way the Royal Councillor had earlier.

"Send a telegram to the Pharaoh immediately. I need to discuss this news with her."

"Yes, your majesty"

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:02 pm


A day after unleashing a virus which killed thousands of the gigantic Prykonian 1st Regiment, the Rogue Nation of Tsavorite has backed out of the conflict in a surprise move. However, a response is still awaited from La-Mulana as the nation remains quiet after a day of stalemate Saturday night.

"This is definitely surprising news. My Defence Minister was having fits of anxiety, and now he is having fits of joy!" Sebastian Montoya said amidst a particularly quiet defense meeting.

The bodies of the infected personnel have remained in La-Mulana until it is determined safe for them to be taken to Prykonia by our medical staff. The other fallen have now been boarded onto planes as for the first time in a week the guns overseas have gone silent.

This leaves the opportunity for the Prykonian 1st Regiment, in disarray after the virus attack, to regroup and prepare. Montoya himself plans a visit to his troops, though it is unknown when. Casualties have been counted, though yet again it is unsure of the number of La-Mulanan deaths in this conflict.

Aside from the parties involved or previously involved, other nations of Terra Firma have been silent about their positions in the war.

PCN, Vulture Media Building, Prykonia

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Aurland Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:43 pm

TFN Breaking News!

The lull in combat has been noticed throughout Terra Firma. After a slow dispersal of the forces engaged to the Prykonian base in La-Mulana's coastal area, and the lack of reply towards Dunagee's unconventional strategies, it appears the La-Mulanian war has entered into its first unofficial cease-fire.

As a result, Prykonia has chosen to opt out of further combat and withdraw all forces. This surprising news was released by the Royal Councillor of Auron who had apparently received a request from the emperor of Prykonia to do so.

"I was asked to perform a favour today." Said the Royal Councillor, in a press conference today. "As any caring person would, I complied. This favour was from Emperor Sebastian Montoya, asking that I announce his plan to withdraw his forces. In his own words, he said…
Prykonia wrote:Send word to all nations involved in the conflict that the Empire of Prykonia has withdrawn all soldiers in La-Mulanan territory and waters.
I can now rest easy knowing that I have fulfilled his wishes."

With both Tsavorite and Prykonia leaving the front, the only combatants remaining are the original aggressors, Dunagee and La-Mulana. We are currently awaiting responses from the leaders of involved nations towards the news.

This is Wyatt Coleman, TFN News, Signing off

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:25 am


A massive crowd floods the paths around the Vulture Media Building and Douglas Square, as the 400 000-strong Prykonian 1st Regiment, arrive home. After having sustained nearly 8 000 casualties and gaining little land on the La-Mulanan Front, the Great Emperor has sent for his troops to come home.

"This was initially a plan to halt human right violations and crimes against humanity, but now it became a bloodbath." said Emperor Sebastian Montoya in a recent press conference.

The Navy and all weaponry shall be withdrawn. The small number of prisoners captured from any parties shall be returned to their respective nations. But the whole country views this as anything but weakness.

"We may not have had a huge victory, but when plans were first drawn, everyone expected the 1st Regiment to have been completely destroyed. Seeing nearly all the troops return is a refreshing, yet small, victory." said the mother of one of the returning privates.

"My son gave up his life for freedom, and that in itself is an honour. Hopefully all of the nations of Terra Firma can remember his sacrifice along the thousands of others." said a tearful yet calm father of a killed soldier.

The country now has to recover from the war economy enacted, and should hopefully be out of the gutter in some time. From the Vulture Media Building, this is Tom Petty. PCN.. out.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty War?

Post  Dunagee Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:47 am


ooc: soooooo uh I posted a press release a while ago and La-Mulanan never responded. Hurry up and Surrender or something dude

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:39 pm

(Give me a minute man...Girl...whatever...)

*Autrach's Chamber Imperial Palace, AKA Shrine of tthe Mother, Visari City, 1100 Hours*

The dark, but glorious room was dully lit by lamps shaped like the La-Mulana Triad, The Throne on a Riased Platform overlooking a large window, giving a glipse of the City Below. A young 20 something man, dress in a white traditionaist out and armor, cape, and golden leaf crown looked over a room filled with his Inner Circle, repserents from each part of the La-Mulanian Government. The Autarch spoke.

"the hetherns of Pryonia have feld, Your Holiness." General Gregor spoke."Howver, Tsarovite has pulled out."

Johann Bles, Head of the La-Mulana Intelligence Agency pushed up his round glasses and looked at the Autarch."We have a few more hours to surrnder Sir..."

Alexander I growled, baring back his teeth."Is Operation Bahamut a a go, General gregor?"

The General noded."We can commence within the hour, Your Holiness."



Throughout the country, massive ships headed for Gragee arrived in the ports...could these be carrrying the Darcus refugees...?

No...it was a trap, on each was was a Fuel Air Bom, designed to go off remotely at a moments notice...

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Continuation of war

Post  Dunagee Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:27 pm

"Terashum, the last batch of boat that were sent were found to have no people on them. What should we do?" asked a young girl dressed in uniform, blonde bob bouncing as she trailed behind her leader.
Terashum Lorisia paused in the hall, "no people?"
"right not a single soul"
"frick, get everyone away from the areas around those boats" the girl stared surprised at the outburst from her leader "NOW if you please"
As the girl scurried away, Terashum marched down the hall throwing open the doors to the studio. Stalking forward to the small desk and chair Lorisia sat down. All the worker stared at the dark cloud that surrounded their leader, "I really didn't want to do this" she muttered and then barked out orders to all the workers " I want this message to go live world wide NOW, get those cameras running men, time to win a war". The room broke out in a bustle as all the workers rushed around and in a minute called for quiet as the camera began to roll broadcasting world wide.

"Fellow members of this planet, I call upon you now to witness the hopeful end to this hateful war. I hope that you all will not hold this against me nor my country but days ago when I dropped what has now been so lovingly named a bat bomb it was not only to mock them but also to set up for my next attack. Across La Mulana there are about 2 million bats but on each of those bat there is a bomb which will explode on my command and because of your stubbornness more lives must end. Surrender now and I will send peace keepers to help you rebuild your country or suffer the further consequences of this attack which yes there is. That is all." As the cameras cooled bombs across La Mulana exploded destroying buildings. And several hours later symptoms appeared of what our Dunageens call the K virus.

OOC: By the way the bat bomb was going to be used in Hiroshima by the americans

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Sat Aug 29, 2009 2:41 pm

Oh wow! Bizarre weapon.. I like it Very Happy

From the Emperor's Palace:

"Sir, news reels have come in saying that Dunagee was hit severely in a bombing by La-Mulana. Even though we have pulled out of the war, Dunagee remains our ally. What should we do?" said the Defence Minister.

"Alas, my friend, we have little to do. Dispatch the Prykonia 1st Navy as guards to the shipments of construction materials and construction workers to Dunagee, in case pirates or some other ships attempt to steal the shipments. We will help them rebuild."

"But some virus has appeared, the origin unknown as of this point! It seems very prudent that we protect our workers."

"Yes.. Gas masks and protective equipment will be sent. Some medics will set up emergency hospitals in Dunagee."

"You are as intelligent as an Emperor should be. This way we do not meddle in international affairs, but help our allies at the same time. ETA of shipments is 6 hours."

With that being said, 250 ships filled with building materials, gears for new factories, scientists, doctors, and hundreds of construction workers departed from the Eagle's Nest Marina. Hopefully, the damage to Dunagee can be reversed quickly.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Thanks Seb

Post  Dunagee Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:00 pm

OOC: Thanks for the help. I already gave your people the vaccine that's what those nurses were doing. You're all safe.
By the way, I don't know if his bombs went off but we will assume because I did just bomb him. And the virus is in La Mulana not Dunagee.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:50 pm

OOC: No prob Smile oh wow that's a great mix-up. I guess all the protective equipment is useless Razz

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:12 pm

OOC; We interupt this war to bring you this message:L


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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Tsavorite Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:10 pm

((Does anyone else find it ironic that she dropped a bomb on a country who's people she was trying to save?))

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Reply

Post  Dunagee Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:25 pm

OOCYeah, I do find it ironic. But hey if they can't join you bomb 'um right. Naw just couldn't think of anything else and I really wanted to try it out Razz

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Aurland Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:40 pm

Dunagee wrote:Just couldn't think of anything else and I really wanted to try it out.
OOC: I can see so many different world leaders saying this xD

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Tsavorite Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:10 pm

Hahahaha Yeah.

Oh the corrupt morals.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:31 pm

meh, it works.


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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Aurland Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:15 pm

"Your majesty, with this legislation we will finally be able to assert the control we need to contain the constant threat brought about by the rebellions. This process has been taking much too long, and our people are at risk everyday."

Cllr. of Justice, Åsumnd Murray was quick to respond.

"That is true Ms. Tarah, but we must not forget the consequences that will ensue. You are suggesting we create a secret police force that will have the ability to oppress people who do not support the monarchy or our neutral ideals. Being Councillor of Justice, I cannot support this bill, or the unlawful government control it involves."

The round table in the hall of the Royal Council was quiet as the councillors pondered the effects on the nation that moving the bill forward would have. It was the Royal Councillor who spoke first.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Åsmund. But I believe this bill should be put forward to the National Council, despite your objections. It is nearly unanimous in both this and the National council. While it may be regrettable, It is necessary."

"Thank you, your majesty", said Cllr. Tarah.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty POST!!!

Post  Dunagee Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:16 pm

Jezze let's get this war over with hurry up and post man. Sad

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Aurland Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:57 pm

You're talking to Alex, right?

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:01 pm

YA! Come on and lose already man affraid

jk but really post No

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La-Mulanian War - Page 2 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:59 am

*Autarch's Santuary, 1300 Hours*

General Bethold Gregor grinned as he looked at the footage from the UAVs. Ships aflame and sking, the ports decimated...

Causlatiy numbers where unknown, but the important thing was the infasturate was crippled for the moment.

The Head of the La-Mulanian Intelligence Agency, Johann Bles, smiled as he appaorched the General."Opartion Bahamut was a success."He calpped.

General gregor nodded."Indeed...this should slow Dunagee's assault and make reinforments rather difficult...and they are now tarpped. The only way in is by Air...which we will seize next."

Johann nodded."I'll alert Air Marshal Cobar that operation Helios is go....and are we-

"Yes, Johann...we are moving forwrad...we are stepping thinsg up. It's total war now. Dunagee wants to play, we'll give them anotehr gift they soon won't forget..."

He laughed."She would prefer we never use Nuclear wepaons...me an dthe Autarch, however, know at this point we'll only have to us it once before these heretics finally lsiten to us and know who the true masters of terra firma are..."

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