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La-Mulanian War

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Great that you posted but...

Post  Dunagee Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:55 am

OOC: Kay so one of my harbors is blown to smitherens some people have been lost but dude look at my posts. I blew up buildings and unleashed a virus on you. I have to know what's going on with those before I can plan anything further
So yeah

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:15 am

The Terashum sat in the sprawling library she had made, open books surrounding her as she sat hunching over yet another one.
"Ma' lady" her personal guard Mac spoke up
Blinking she turned to him, "I don't know what to do" she almost whispered.
"Our men and women are willing to fight, they know why and how we fight and they will follow you to the ends of the earth."
He watched as his leaders eyes lit up with a new idea.
"right right" she murmured to no one but herself then jumped up" tell all our men on the front to withdraw to the peninsula and hold it. If people are afraid they will come to us, send permeant anti aircraft guns and some anti navalry. Thank you thank you. Now hurry up go go"
As he briskly walked out he smiled, his lady was back.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:49 pm

OOC; Cut me some slack dood. Anythime I write something long siomthing goes FUBAR. WIll ned to write in notepad.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:01 am

OOC: Okay, I'll hear from you then I suppose. I guess I didn't know because all my posts are pretty small Smile

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:39 pm

Fabian Templar, TFN News.

In response to DUnagee "Barbaric and Hypocritical" Biological attacks, the La-Mulana military fporce is stepping up it's agreesiiveness and employing mental warfare. Minister of Defense Bethold Gregor has annouced a complete overhaul of La-Mulanian military phiolisophly.

The Introductaion of flamesthrowers in various forms is a start. Recent advancements in the technolgy has allowed small falmetrhowers to be built for unslung rifle use. Larger more powerful Flamethrowers have been reported to be used, and a fleet of modfied Heavy Tanks using Flamethrowers and napalm based mortars have begun seeing combat.

La-Mulana has also begun field tests of a strange new weapon. A bulky suit of armor with the durable of a tank has been reported being used by various commando groups. The armor is beleived to enchance strength as well, as several of these commandos have been shown weilding heavy weaponry for extended periods with no ill effect. In addition, as addordance with recent military precations, the suits are equipped with built in gasmasks.

Gasmasks themselves are standard issue amoung the Army, and indeed, have become a symbol and propaganda tool for La-Mulana.

The Holy Autarch has vanished from the front lines the Wastes to the North for unknown reasons, though many speculate La-Mualna is ready to test her first Nuclear weapon this week.

Fabian Templar, SIgning Off.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty The Warning

Post  Prykonia Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:58 pm

Clifton National News Broadcast:

A speech was made this afternoon in accordance with the happenings on the battlefield in La-Mulana by the Great Emperor Sebastian Montoya.

"Citizens of the Great Prykonian Empire! I call upon you in a time of worldwide danger. La-Mulana has developed her nuclear arsenal, which is now bigger than ours! Although I am not concerned with that, my main worry is that she plans to unleash it on the people whose main reason for fighting is freedom! My dear friends, comrades, and free citizens.. Even though in this war we have suffered in the past, let us extend our hand of friendship to the freedom fighters of Dunagee and supply them with anything they need!"

"And let the world of Terra Firma know, that if EVER, a nuclear weapon is unleashed upon Dunagee and her personnel, or any other nations, we will not stand and watch! If La-Mulana plans to use cowardly weaponry, we will defend our allies on the battlefield! We will conquer evil and the destructive ways of the La-Mulanan race!! Our nuclear shield, (OOC: it was mentioned when we initially participated, and the US made plans for one in the 80's so it isn't fully fictional) will be turned on again! And the Prykonian men, women, and armor will once again serve under the united banner of Freedom!"

This speech was delivered to insane cheers and popular support in Douglas Square, and the speech has been delivered on the main forum in order to notify everyone of the current Prykonian government stance.

God bless us all, Clifton City news.. OUT.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Aurland Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:12 pm

"Oh crap!"

Exclaimed Royal Councillor Ian Kniel as he watched the Terra Firma news. More and more reports of the La-Mulanian war going nuclear had begun to spring up, meaning things weren't going to be very pleasent for him in the next little while.

"I thought they were over that whole killing-each-other thing. Those no good mumble mumble."

Frustrated, he flipped over to the channel featuring the local Aurish news. He was pleased to see that Williamsport had beaten Alderburn in their futbol match, but this soon went away as the story switched to feature the recent outbreaks of graffiti art depicting gas masks around Aurish government buildings.

"…We're going to need to do some major clean-up again.", he whispered, still listening to the news.

Oddly enough, he wasn't referring to the graffiti, but the fact that interventionists were vocalizing again. Last time he was forced to radically shift the government system to allow for a secret police force to deal with criminals like these, but apparently that wasn't enough. This time it would take a complete overhaul of the nation's image.

He picked up the telephone and called Citizenship Councillor Tarah.

"Hello, Audrey…? Yes it's me. Listen, we need to come up with a new bill."

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:34 pm

Holy Autrach's Address

*The Autrach stands before a massive screen, dressed in his usual white armor and cape, glaring at the screen, a grin on his face. Ths creen displays the Barious Wastes, miles and miles of desrt.*

"People of Terra Frima, Childern of the Mother. For too long have We, La-Mulana, been shunned and ignored, or soveriengty threatened, our voice ignored, our people threaened by so called liberators. These cowards use there own moral indigantion to threaten us, to push us around like playground bullies. They call us cowards for using weapons they themselves would not heistate to us on us. I recall we lost many of our Brothers and Sisters to Dunagees biolgoical attacks.

ANd yet, a conered fox is more dangerous then a jackal. Lo and behold, The Demon Weapon that shall drag our enemies into an age of La-Mulanian propesity! A wepaon that shall allow us to take back our coountry for the foreign invaders, taht will let us shatter their dreams and haunt there nightmares!"

*As he finishes, the screen goes bright, as the source of that light unfurls into amassive fiery mushroom cloud, sand being kicked up by the explosion*

"we now carry a weapon like that of the gods!We can deceid the fate of entire cities in the blink of an eye!We can, and will, make generations let unborn cry out in anguish!And we will not hesistate to unleash this power on the countries that dare opress us!

Dunagee has precisley 24 to surrender or we will use this weapon against her. We have a means of striking her, do not doubt us. The Imperialist Dogs will pay for there sins against the Holy Land!"

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty oh Reeeeeaaaaallllly

Post  Dunagee Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:02 pm

The twin sisters stand on a stage framed by the backdrop of the Dunagee flag. One sister dressed in a blue dress the other in a matching gold dress. The golden one, Jamie, turned to the camera and smirked. "I am not one for speeches however it appears my sister and I have no choice for the matter-"
the second sister, Lorisia, continues "- has become far to large to ignore and so we-"
"-have come to make this announcement to the world." says Jamie
They turn to each other and nod
they continue to speak as though from one mind
"La mulana we feel we should inform you that we had no plans-"
"-to further intrude into your country. And that because of our lengthy exsistance-"
"-as a country your weapons are useless towards us we have-"
"-what you have and-"
"-more. For this reason we say that you should just calm down and-"
"-back off. We were no longer doing anything to you."
In unison "please rethink your foolish decision as we have the major powers on our side and we wish not for conflict"
"but if you want a fight we will oblige you" Jaime chimes in as the both smile like lions at the camera and salute
"Enjoy my brothers and sisters"

OOC: are we really going to continue this after this long? I really do have a better military than you, just look at the laws I passed as well as the support of V.C which appears to be entirely army based and Seb as well.
Are you really wanting this? :bored sigh: I can and will crush you completely Bye Bye

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:25 pm

OOC: What about the USSr's invasion of Finland? Havinga better military=/= instant win.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:28 pm

OOC: no but in this case everything else seems to point to that. Not to mention you gave me too much time to study up on my military tactics which is the reason I had to create Jamie. Because that much knowledge wouldn't fit in my previous leader. Anyway it's your move though I would say call it off

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:29 pm

OOC: I also want to point out that Finland is not currently under USSR rule so how well did that work again?

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Aurland Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:34 pm

ooc: I think that's Alex's point.

I believe he's saying that Finland was able to resist Soviet occupation despite having a smaller and "weaker" army, and is comparing the current situation to it.

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:36 pm

Ah, oh well. Good to understand. But the USSR had some pretty major flaws in it's military and... well whatever I'm not trying to belittle your point it's just that I'm trying to talk you out of it

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:42 pm

You also realize how foolish it is trying to goad a dictator's bullshit?I've alreayd dsiplayed a blalant disregard for your poeple by making these things.

As for yoru military getting better, what about mine? What do you think i spent all that money on, Ice Cream?

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:46 pm

Maybe that money went to oh I don't know this? "military geniuses responsible for brilliant campaigns are drummed out because they have close same-sex friends and an interest in interior design"

I'm not really a dictator I'm just bigger and all I'm saying is that this is a... possibly bad idea

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:49 pm

OOC: Finland was subjugated by the Soviets prior to their role in WWII. Razz

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:54 pm

In any case, if i see so much as a miniature mushroom cloud anywhere on my allies' land and mine, i will launch my entire nuclear arsenal. Last I checked you have no defence against ICBMs Very Happy you punch us, we punch you twice as hard.

Be careful, and do not poke a sleeping wolf. you'll wake up the whole pack XD

Last edited by Prykonia on Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:55 pm

OOC: Oh yeah cheers :highfive:
Yup though a wolf would suit me better because of my flag

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:57 pm

hahaha Very Happy yeah i can modify that though Razz

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:59 pm

NIIIIIIIICE man really righteous

Razz Razz Razz

It suits the problem well
Hey is Taz on La mulana's side anyone know?

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:02 pm

Haha thanks Smile i thought so too.

well we'll find out eventually won't we?

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Dunagee Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:02 pm

I suppose but because he is on right now I thought he could tell us

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  Prykonia Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:04 pm

well maybe he is typing something very long Razz

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

Post  La-Mulana Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:06 pm

OOC: DUde...you'd throw the world in Nuclear WINTER! Ever heard of swatting flies with sledgehammers?

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La-Mulanian War - Page 3 Empty Re: La-Mulanian War

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